King Arthur

- Knights...
- Well, I'm tired of running.

And these Saxons are so close behind
my ass is hurtin'.

Never liked
looking over my shoulder anyway.

- Be a pleasure to put an end to this racket.
- And finally get a look at the bastards.

Here. Now.
You two, take the horses.
(Arthur) Ganis, I need you
to lead the people.

The main Saxon army is inland,
so if you track the coastline till you're
well south of the wall, you'll be safe.

- But you're seven against 200?
- Eight.

You could use another bow.
- I'd rather stay and fight.
- You'll get your chance soon enough.

This man is now your captain.
You do as he says. Am I understood?

- Yes, sir.
- Go. Go!

Right. Come on, then! Move on!
I am able. I can fight.
No. You must bear witness
to all you have seen.

There's one thing you must do,
and that's get back to Rome.

(ice cracking/horses neighing)
(beating drum)
