In an uninhibited society, a 12-year-old
would know most of the biology...
which I will have to give you
in formal lectures.
So, let's start with the six stages
of the coital sequence.
lubrication, erection...
increased sensitivity...
orgasm and nervous release.
Both sexes experience
all six stages equally.
Who can tell me
which part of the human body...
can enlarge a hundred times?
Um... miss.
I'm sure I don't know.
And you've no right to ask me
such a question in a mixed class.
I was referring to the pupil
of your eye, young lady.
And I think I should tell you you're in
for a terrible disappointment.
It is often with the eye
that stimulation begins.
The actual adjustments which are made
in the male and female genitalia...
are shown on this slide.
The vagina must be spread open...
as the erect male organ penetrates.
You will see
that the clitoris is swollen...
thus providing
the erotic stimulation necessary...
for the completion of the act
on the part of the female.
You will also see
that this point on the penis...
which is one of the most sensitive points,
is similarly stimulated.
Where on earth did you get that cap?
Oh. Professor Kinsey. I'm sorry.
It's a whaler's hat.