
I've taken on so many
other people's secrets.

I don't want any of my own...
and certainly not with you.
You still haven't said anything.
It's not like I'm...
surprised exactly.
I've observed...
certain things over the years.
Such as?
A look or a gesture.
The pet student who suddenly
becomes a member of the family...

and then just as suddenly disappears
when you tire of him.

I think you must know me
better than I know myself.

But I'm not sure...
I understand.
Haven't I always been open
to whatever you wanted?

It's not you, Mac.
You're the best partner any man could have.

I'm just not enough. Is that it?
Please, Mac.
This is inside of me.
To what extent, I don't know.

But I'd be a hypocrite
if I pretended it wasn't there.

- When I took your history...
- Don't! Don't!

- Didn't you admit to having sexual feelings for other men?
- Don't use that against me!

I'm sorry. But what keeps you from
acting on your feelings? Convention.

No! It's our marriage!
It's our children!

Exactly. Social restraints.
Did you ever stop to think
that perhaps those restraints are there...

to keep people
from hurting each other?

I don't sleep with other men
because I love you...

and I don't want to hurt you.
But what if it didn't hurt me?
Then I'd be hurt.
You're just afraid that I won't love you
anymore, which is impossible, Mac.

The human animal is capable
of all kinds of sexual expression.

Not all sex has to be sanctioned
by love, enriched by emotion.

- To the Greeks...
- Stop!

Stop lecturing, Prok.
Stop using science
to justify what you've done.

Oh, Mac.
