- Can I help?
- No. I'll manage.
I just... I'm sorry
he made you play messenger.
No. I volunteered.
Hear that?
- What?
- The sound of an empty nest.
Must be a big adjustment.
Have you heard from Bruce yet?
No. He's loving college.
Maybe it's just
being away from here.
- Oh.
- Would you like a piece of pie?
- Rhubarb?
- Have a seat.
You know, Clyde,
I didn't like you very much at first.
I don't blame you.
- Most women would have had me murdered.
- Oh, I considered it.
I hate to think of myself
as conventional.
But if this had to happen...
I'm glad it was you.
And I... have to admit
there have been some benefits.
It certainly sparked things up sexually.
I suppose we'd both grown bored
without even realizing it.
I think you've handled it
remarkably well.
I learned something a long time ago.
Once Prok has his mind set,
it's no use trying to stop him.
He is...
You know, this thing
between Prok and me...
it was fine for a while, but...
I guess I just really miss
sleeping with women.
That's perfectly understandable.