
why don't you call me when you
get back from the honeymoon?

We'll have a nice long lunch.
- Look at the birdie.
- Oh.

No, I've got the report.
Thank you.

Uh, often among boys
who live in cities and towns, comma...

Less often among farm boys, period.
Perhaps you wanna say
"boys from small towns';...

- instead of farm boys. "
- Say-Say farm boys. Farm boys.

What's the difference?
He's gonna rewrite it anyway.

Everything looks in order here.
You can have either Thanksgiving
or Christmas off.

Your choice entirely.
Do you need anything before I go?
We'll never get this book done
if people start leaving early.

I'll stay if you let me
help you with these.

You don't have the time to answer
each one personally.

If people take the trouble to write,
it's the least I can do.

Mrs. Kinsey said to remind you
to come home to eat.

And your father phoned again.
Do you want me to talk to him?

No. I'll do it.
For thine is the kingdom...
and the power
and the glory forever.

- Amen.
- Amen.

- Hello, Mildred.
- Mr. Morrissey.

Come say hello to Father.
I'm very sad for you, Alfred.
Well, it's not as though
I'll be alone.

My daughter's too fat
to get a husband.

And my son's lost his business.
He moved back home.

The only one I got rid of
is the big scientist.

Now he's working on some...
secret project.

He was always the secretive type.
Would you really like to know
what I'm working on, Father?

Oh, listen to this.
He's gonna tell me his big secret.

It's really not a secret at all.
