I just hope it's not going
to bring too much publicity.
With any luck, Mrs. Spaulding...
the general public won't even notice.
#According to the Kinsey Report #
#Every average man you know #
#Much prefers his lovey-dovey to court #
# When the temperature is low #
#But when the thermometer goes way up #
#And the weather is sizzlin' hot #
#Mr. Gob for his squab #
- That'll be "sex-fifty" please.
- #A marine for his queen #
#A G.I. For his cutie-pie is not #
# 'Cause it's too, too, too darn hot ##
In an open society...
it is done through observation.
But in a Puritan culture,
sex remains a dirty secret...
often made dreadful through
plain ignorance of what to do.
Mark my words,
as soon as the publicity dies down...
the American public will greet this book...
with the thundering silence it deserves.
What brings you to New York,
Dr. Kinsey?
We'll be taking the sex histories
or artists, writers and actors...
including the entire cast
of A Streetcar Named Desire.
We'll also be interviewing women
for our next book, which is a female study...
as well as meeting with our benefactors
at the Rockefeller Foundation.
Are you surprised
at the success of your book?
No. It shows that the world
has wanted this done.
Any plans on a Hollywood picture
based on the book?
I can't think of anything more pointless.
What about you, Mrs. Kinsey?
Has your life changed much?
My husband's busier than ever.
I hardly see him since he's taken up sex.
What about
this female study, Mrs. Kinsey?
Gentlemen, gentlemen. Please.