
I thought you trained them
to be impartial.

Sometimes it's difficult.
Yeah, well,
I suppose someone like me...

really puts your beliefs
to the test, huh?

- How?
- You know.

- Everybody should do what they want.
- I've never said that.

No one should be forced to do
anything against their will.

No one should ever be hurt.
You know, you're a lot more square
than I thought you'd be.

Let's get on with it.
Please, Governor.
You're so angry, I can't reason with you.
When you calm down, we'll discuss it.
Seems that the archbishop of Fort Wayne...
tipped off the customs board.
What is it with these people? They're simply
depictions of man in his natural state.

I don't know much
about natural states, Prok...

but here in the state of Indiana
we have a problem.

We'll just have to take
the customs office to court.

And who's gonna pay for that,
the Rockefeller Foundation?

You're an inch away
from losing your grant as it is.

That's not true.
What do you mean?

Hoover is still annoyed
that you won't help him...

find homosexuals
in the State Department.

It is rumored that he is
compiling dossiers... on you...

the activities of your staff.
And, as you well know, there have been
complaints about your statistical methods.

Trumped-up nonsense.
Nothing but disguised prudery.
