
In the course of these hearings
on tax-exempt foundations...

we intend to show how Communists
are financed in the United States.

There is a diabolical conspiracy
back of all this...

and its aim is the furtherance
of socialism in America.

Do you agree that Kinsey's research...
aids the communistic aim...
of weakening and destroying
the youth of our country?

I do not agree, sir.
Well, tell me, Dr. Gregg...
does the Rockefeller Foundation
really believe...

that it belongs in the business
of sex research?

I think it's probably something...
the foundation shouldn't
have anything to do with.

Dr. Kinsey's project
is now in a position...

to obtain support from...
other sources.
With the loss of support
from the Rockefeller Foundation...

Dr. Kinsey's project will need
other funding if it is to survive.

Prok, you home?
We are running a budget surplus
due to increased enrollment...

which is a direct result
of Dr. Kinsey's success and fame.
