You have no idea...
what it's like
to have your own thoughts...
turn against you like that.
I couldn't talk to anyone
about my situation...
so I found other ways to cope.
Uh, I took up drinking.
Eventually, my husband left me.
Even my children fell away.
I came very close to... ending it all.
It's just another reminder
of how little...
things have changed in our society.
What are you talking about?
Things have gotten much better.
Oh? What happened?
Why, you did, of course.
After I read your book, I realized...
how many other women
were in the same situation.
I mustered the courage
to talk to my friend...
and she told me,
to my great surprise...
that the feelings were mutual.
We-We've been together
for three happy years now.
You saved my life, sir.
Just, uh, one more question.
Youve just told me your entire history...
childhood, family, career...
every person you've ever had sex with...
but there hasn't been
a single mention of love.