Thank you.
Barney's Warehouse.
That color really
brings out your eyes.
Thank you very much.
lt's great.
Thank you.
So how long have
you been married?
Two years.
Any kids?
Not yet, but l'd like to.
l want children.
What about Dave?
Well, he worries.
About what?
That's not true.
He's afraid our child
will have a fecal fetish.
What? l didn't say that.
-Yes, you did.
-No, l didn't.
l didn't say fecal fetish.
l said weird, stupid, like...
Well, having kids
is a big step...
and maybe Dave just
wants to have his fun.
l like having fun.
l like having fun, too.
Maybe we should
go out together...
you and l, sometime?
Girls night out?
You and me?
Yeah. Sure.
That would be terrific.
That's a great idea.
Yeah, great.
l don't understand why
you had to say that stuff.
l don't know why you're making
such a big deal about it.
Because l don't know
why everybody needs to know...
our personal business,
that's why.
We were all sharing.
All sharing? That's what
you call that, sharing?
The two of you seemed
to hit it off just fine.
You didn't tell me you
introduced the two of them.
lt was just one of those things.
She's very attractive.
Yeah. l mean...
l guess so.
What, you don't think
she's a beautiful woman?
Yeah, of course.
Not like you,
if that's what you mean.
l wasn't asking
for validation, Dave.