Kiddie Hits IV. IncIuding
the mega hit ""Thumbs up"".
- Hi, honey.
- Hi there.
- You smeII sweaty!
- Nice, isn't it?
Hi, sweetheart.
Dad, can I have the new
AII Stars CD?
- Don't you have it aIready?
- That's no. 3. This is no. 4.
So you just came to pester me?
Not because you're happy to see me?
- JuIie speaking.
- Don't forget to pick her up.
I can take a message.
Daddy, it was your boss.
He wants you in his office right away.
AkseI Bruun"s condition is criticaI.
His wife Gitte
suffered minor injuries.
The Centre Party is in the Iead
according to the Iatest poIIs.
1 1 days prior to the eIection,
a coaIition with the LiberaIs Iooks ...
- Wait 1 0 minutes before Ieaving.
- Okay. I'II see you there.
The timing couIdn't be any worse!
I'm supposed to be there in ...
No, Mads hates fIying.
At noon.
Yes, okay ...
I can't heIp wonder what'II happen,
if AkseI dies?
This is a non-smoker.
I hadn't imagined
I'd get the position in this way.
No one says you have to accept it.