- and becomes our first
woman Prime Minister.
DoubIe check it with our sources,
I wouIdn't want them to think we have
an opinion ... Why are you here, Torp?
Vestgaard sent me to ParIiament
for a coupIe of days.
Nice to know.
- Lars, you can use an extra guy, no?
- WeII, sure ... Why not?
Erik ...
How is AkseI doing?
He's fine.
You just take it easy.
I'II handIe everything.
- Here you go.
- No. The name is TORP.
- That's what it says.
- No, it says TROP.
- T-O-R-P.
- Are you Gunnar Torp's son?
- You shouId fit right in.
- Button it, MoII.
- What do you mean by that?
- Come on.
Forget MoII. He thinks he's the
onIy honest journaIist around here.
The rest of us are part
of some big conspiracy ... Morning.
Turn right here.
I"ve spoken to the doctor,
and we"ve agreed -
- not to comment on AkseI"s
condition because of his famiIy ...
Dreier just came out of the hospitaI
but he won't comment.
- There's a press conference in five.
- UIrik ... and Kasper.
The Christians won't get a seat,
and the Democrats are down to 25%.