You'II have to settIe
for the former trainee's desk.
The name on everyone"s Iips is
Lone KjeIdsen, the party spokesman.
We"ve been unabIe to reach her
for a comment at this moment.
She is known as the strong, but
sensitive woman in Danish poIitics.
She has been a centraI figure in
the Centre Party for many years ...
UIrik Torp?
Peter Schou. Press Officer
for the Centre Party.
- WeIcome to the Fort.
- Thanks. I wanted to see you.
I'm a big fan of your father's.
If he was stiII a Democrat -
- I might have switched sides.
How is he?
- Life in the corporate worId suits him.
- I can imagine.
- Any news about AkseI's condition?
- No. I don't know anything.
Just trying to keep my mind
on the eIection.
You think the majority wiII go with
Lone KjeIdsen, if AkseI dies?
She Iooks pretty strong.
And she's very good, you know.