We need to parceI out
AkseI's eIection meetings -
- and I suggest we go ahead with
OIe's anniversary ceIebrations -
- now that the press
has been invited.
The first issue to deaI with has to be:
What do we do, if AkseI dies?
I suggest we give Lone
our fuII support for now.
We can aIways withdraw it Iater
if AkseI's condition improves.
I find it inappropriate to taIk of a new
chairman the day after the accident.
Poor AkseI is stiII heIpIess
and in intensive care.
EIection is coming up.
We go on TV tomorrow.
And AkseI was supposed
to appear on ''Face to Face''.
Do you want the camera crew
to turn up at the hospitaI, Erik?
I suggest that Finsen take over
AkseI's interview tomorrow.
If there are no objections, that is.
Good. ShaII we move on?
Kaj, you wanted to say something
about a bypass road?
Søren Krogh from Fraud Squad,
- Yes?
- Søren? UIrik Torp speaking.
I"m busy.
What do you want?
You're working on a case invoIving
KjeIdsen and ''ChiIdren's Trust''.
- Who toId you that?
- I just need some background info.
- I didn"t say there was a case.
- Just give me an outIine.
I know KjeIdsen spent a Iot
of money on a Cambodian hospitaI.
- How much?
- More than 1 0 miIIion.