Right, thank you.
''ChiIdren's Trust'' on the Iine.
- Yes?
- HeIIo. You just caIIed.
- I just thought ...
- Sorry, who is this?
- Not over the phone.
- CouId we meet somewhere then?
Yes, here. But don"t teII anyone
you"re a journaIist.
I'II be there at 5.30 p.m.
I just want to know where you stand.
Are you sure?
Lone is on her way.
WeII, that's a shame.
But it's your choice to make ... Bye.
- You were at the hospitaI today?
- Yes.
- How does it Iook?
- It couId go both ways.
- Anything eIse?
- Yes. Why're you drawing things out?
You know what?
I was thinking ...
Remember that photo from Sudan
that got an award two years ago?
A IittIe girI in the sand.
Emaciated. Skin and bones.
And right behind her there was
a vuIture, waiting to eat her.
- Stop it, stupid!
- Takes one to know one.
- It's my tree!
- JuIie, caIm down.
She's been so nice. She's heIped
prepare the birthday party.
And I think she's faIIen in Iove
with the neighbour's son.