- What do you think of the Iodge?
- The Iodge?
AII the journaIists,
the MPs and their spin doctors.
What are you taIking about?
See the journaIists over there?
They're sucking up to Peter Schou.
Know why? Cause he couId become
their prime source after the eIections.
Absurd, isn't it? AII he ever does is
smother criticaI journaIism -
- and yet they hover around him
Iike IittIe fIies on a giant turd.
See you, MoII.
Bon appetit!
Torp, you bastard! TV News
has picked up your story. Way to go!
- Beginner's Iuck.
- WeII...
CongratuIations. Perhaps not
front page materiaI, but anyway ...
Say heIIo to Erik.
Erik ...?
- Torp. New guy at the DaiIy News.
- Good God! UIrik Torp.
I can remember
when you were this taII.
You were aIways in the front office,
reading DonaId Duck.
The HuIk ... A big, green man.
Did Gunnar teII you how we spent
nights finaIizing budget proposaIs?
At 5 a.m. he'd order pink champagne,
because it had to be something red.
Sounds Iike the oId man aII right.
We never agreed poIiticaIIy,
but we had a Iot of fun.
I read your articIe
about Lone's husband.
- It's not what we need right now.
- I guess not.