But had AkseI Bruun died in the
accident, she wouId be chairman ...
That"s specuIation. I don"t see any
reason to discuss ...
- Honey?
- Yes?
- Why won't the doctors say anything?
- I don't know.
- I work at another hospitaI.
- But isn't it strange?
- Haven't you got a friend there?
- Yes. Lise.
I can't.
Dreier is stirring.
Tomorrow"s editions back him.
- One editoriaI is criticaI of you.
- Is Mads' case swinging things?
No. You"II be chairman tomorrow.
I promise you.
Hans Erik ...
I'II caII you Iater.
- Lone, we're from The Express.
- May I get out of my own car?
Did you spend 200,000 of the
ChiIdren's Trust funds on a hoIiday?
Who toId you that?
That's absurd!
Did you know
that the hospitaI was never buiIt?
I'm okay.
I can't hear them,
with the shower on.