The money was intended
for a hospitaI in Cambodia -
- but she spent it on a Iuxury
hoIiday in Crete with her husband.
HorribIe! OIe says
The Express is on to the story.
- Did UIrik teII you the good news?
- Are you expecting?
- No.
- UIrik is reporting from ParIiament.
- WeII done!
- He's aIready had a front page story.
Is this fish?
Fish doesn't agree with me.
WouId you taste it
and teII me if it's fish?
- What the heII is going on?
- Schou pIanted the story for Dreier.
Dreier wants to be Prime Minister.
- You won't write that, I hope.
- No. I need more information.
- But I have to warn Lone.
- Are you out of your mind?