The Centre Party stiII doesn"t know
how serious Bruun"s condition is.
But this doesn"t prevent Erik Dreier
from going to the theatre.
- How can you go out at such a time?
- I"m here on AkseI"s behaIf.
And I must admit, I"ve aIways shared
his interest in performance theatre.
- Doesn"t his condition affect you?
- Of course it does.
Many point to you as the new
chairman, and many oppose you.
- Are you running?
- Let"s see what the MPs decide.
But I"d Iike to say that AkseI is our
Ieader. If we win, it"s thanks to him.
And from the country"s Iargest party
to one of the smaIIest ...
I taIked to Lise.
From the hospitaI?
She says things are unpIeasant -
- Bruun has been brain-dead
since he was admitted on Sunday.
There are exceptions, but usuaIIy
when patients are brain-dead -
- we switch off the Iife support
machines after a coupIe of hours.
Or the next day,
if the famiIy needs more time.
They've kept him aIive for 3 days,
aIthough technicaIIy, he's dead.
Thanks for coming. I know
you aII usuaIIy support Lone -
- and some of you beIieve I pIanted
the story about Mads and Lone ...