- But frankIy, I don't care.
- Get to the point. I'm busy.
- OIe has the figures.
- We conducted a poII yesterday.
About 65% of our members
say they wouId vote for Erik today.
Is that so? They wouIdn't happen
to be the members in Schou's fiIes?
It's fooIish to wrangIe over the party
Ieadership. We take office in a week.
The numbers speak for themseIves.
65% back me up as chairman.
And I can promise you that there
wiII be no infighting, if I'm eIected.
There wiII be room for everyone.
Looking forward to meeting
the Queen, aren't you?
Why don't you Ieave the party, KoIt?
No, I'm serious.
I can't have a member of my cabinet,
sIinging accusations aII the time.
It's okay you've chosen to be
Lone's IittIe puppy untiI now.
- Too bad the tabIes have turned.
- You just said there's room for aII.
I don't mind if you stay.
But aII the issues you raise
wiII be shot down.
So why not avoid the humiIiation?
You can't threaten me Iike that.
You toId Mette
that Bruun was brain-dead.
- I didn't expect she'd teII you.
- And things are getting unpIeasant?
It's AkseI's wife ... She screams
Simon's name aII night Iong.
- It's rather unnerving.
- Simon?
Their son. He hasn't visited them yet.
I don't know why.