Ladder 49, portable three
to portable one, we copy that.
Come on! Let's go!
Ladder 49, portable one to portable
three, Jack, are you all right?
Yeah, I got him!
Portable three to command.
I got the victim, we're moving to exit one.
Command, copy?
Copy that, we're in position on floor 21.
Nice and easy!
Come on, get up there!
Ladder 51, 11 portable.
We're ready to meet you. Bring him
down, Jack, bring him down!
- What's your name? Phil?
- Yeah, it's Phil.
Hey Phil, can you hold this? Can
you hold this to get you breathe?
Listen to me, I'm gonna tie
you up right now, all right?
Nice and easy.
Portable 3 to command, ready
to low the victim down.
All right, now listen to me,
take this off. Listen to me.
I'm gonna start lowing you
down to the bucket. Trust me.
Keep your eyes on me, okay? I got you.
Trust me!
Phil, you look at me and stay right there!
I can't do this!
- I'm right here, you can do this, Phil!
- I can't do this!
Get your can, I'm gonna help you!
I got guys on the ground,
trust me, Phil! Trust me!
- Please, I can't!
- You have to go. I'm not leaving