Ladder 49

- What? Wait a minute.
- No, you wait a minute.

You look all right. I'm Tommy
Drake, how you're doing?

- Jack Morrison.
- Don Miller.

Good to meet you, Dennis Gauquin.
My older is the uglier brother.
- Frank McKinny.
- Father.

Lenny Richter. Father Lenny
Richter. Nice to meet you.

Do you think we'll get something there or what?
I don't know, cap. You put a hack on us.
- Have you reported of fire, ma'am?
- Burned buns in oven, that's all.

- Can we can manage a check, please?
- You fool one for it, get off, pin your ass off!

Get in there, rookie.
Come here.
What a hell is this?
- What?
- Are you stupid?

- There's no paper.
- That's right there!

There's not on the hole!
- Well if you use your hand, it is.
- Hey, who asked your opinion?

Who's the wise guy?
