Hey, leaving? Yeah, yoga. You?
Mmm, arm day...
Hey, I don't think we've met. I'm Julie Taylor.
Hi. I'm Elder Davis. What you reading there?
I'm just studying. You know, I thought I'd come outside.
'Cos, we're from Idaho, it gets cold in October.
Oh, wow, bummer. It's pretty much like this all the time here.
Isn't it, Chris? Yeah.
So, what is it that you guys do?
We talk to people about our church.
Oh really? Chris likes
to talk to people.
Sometimes it helps people to find meaning in their lives.
Julie was complaining her life is void of meaning.
Void? I said 'void'? Well, maybe we can come talk to you.
You know, we would like that. Sure. OK.
Subtle... Yeah, I got 50 right on you. See you at work.