But I would never say such things.
For gossip is the lowest form of discourse.
You should avoid it
if at all possible.
Hear, hear. I shall be in the office,
cooking the books, if anybody needs me.
Oh, and Ben called. He
seemed kind of insistent.
Do you suppose Lila is
hiding a boyfriend from us?
Fucking skank... that's not a tip, that's an indictment.
Take it sound, J. Christ, who pissed in your Cheerios?
Some A and R guy. She has drinks with
this guy so he'll listen to her demo
and now she fears for her virtue. Hey!
He's totally cute. I bust my ass making a great demo,
I can't get anyone to listen to it till this guy
who so obviously just wanted to fuck me.
Poor baby. I thought he was cute.
What, you would have sex to help your career?
Honey, I'd blown a guy just to get him out of my apartment.
Sex for my career would be noble.
Ben, I'm not ready to make that kind of decision yet.
I have to go. OK, I'll call.
Here's Andrew's wine order.
Thank you.
Is there something else? Everyone thinks Ben is your boyfriend,
but he's not, he's a doctor, isn't he?
Is everything OK? Young man, I will not
be the subject of gossip in my own establishment.
And that's how, through Joseph Smith,
God restored the true church of Jesus Christ to the earth.
Have any questions?
How come if God talks to Joseph Smith, he's a prophet
but if God talks to me, I'm schizophrenic?
Ah, well, he was sort of special.
What's the Mormon church's stand on black people?
That's a good question. African American members
have been allowed to hold the priesthood since 1978.
Since disco. And women?