Latter Days

You okay?
No, I'm fine. Just go back to your reading.

What? I think you.. fainted.
I don't bleed very well.

I'm OK, really.
No, maybe we should get you inside.

Ryder! Wanna give me a hand?
Damn Ryder I'm gonna hit you and it's gonna hurt.
That hurt! I warned you.

All right. No, Aaron, come on. Do me a favor
you've got to take a look at it...

tell me if I stiches or something.
I can't really tell.
All right, look! Come on I'm not going to lunge at you
just take a look at it.

Let's see here..
Is it bad?
No, it's fine, it's just a little cut.

Do you have any disinfectant?

It's funny, you know. I'm not squeamish.
In high school, we went to this hospital,

but I was the only one who wanted to watch surgery.
They brought me in and they..

scrubbed me down, and they put me in these
green things, you know?

You have Band-Aid?
I watched as they opened this guy's chest
