I take your word for it
That's good
It's all just snow!
What did you just say?
Maybe it's the meds but...
Sometimes I get this weird read on people
like a blank TV screen
all I see is snow
What do you suppose that means?
I'll see you
No you won't
We should go in.
Ah for the love of flippin Pete
we're not tracked in a hospital
That's sick, and not in a good way
Let's just see if they let us leave some
pamphlets in the lobby
And you're dancing solo, cowboy!
They only allow non-denominational literature in the lobby
What did I flippin tell ya!
You OK?
Is there anything I can do?
I.. I'm sorry
I don't do this
I refuse to break down in front of strangers
But someone dies
I'm so sorry
They shouldn't have made me do it
Turn it off... like...