Latter Days

And then next week you're get to be on to your next conquest
But what if you're not
Huh? What if everything in my entire pathetic life
which I happen to love has led me to this point, right now

What if you are the blinding light
in the middle of the road

that strikes me like the guy in...
...the in the Bible

Paul? Yeah!

And what if everything's changed like that...
And lions lay down with lambs and colours mix with whites...

What if you're the one I have been waiting for my whole life
and I let you go

You have no idea what I'd be giving up
Damnit... what's wrong with you
You want revelations engraved in gold and
angels trumpeting down from heaven

what if this is it in stead
Me telling you I love you, right here..
in the snow

I think that is pretty miraculous
But if you don't... I'll go
you can pretend this was just some coincidence

you can pretend there wasn't some reason we met
That you're sorry I ever walked into your life
God I hate the snow
Ho... door must have froze shut
you boys come in before you freeze too

My we're closing the whole airport because of this storm
