Focus, Audrey, focus!
Well, actually Mr. Harrison
said I inspired him
to come up with one of
his new inventions. Uh...
what's it called?
"The paperpusher. "
Huh, did you get
a cut of that?
Uh, no.
No, not at all.
Uh, just winning
Gary's case was enough.
Yes, and your courtroom tussles
with counselor Audrey Woods
are becoming, uh, quite the talk
of the town in legal circles.
Well, well, well,
what can I say?
I mean,
Audrey Woods is uh...
Well, she's the finest
attorney I've ever met.
I can only aspire
to be as clever as her.
She's uh...
she's wonderful.
- Really wonderful.
- Huh?
And you've just published
this book on divorce,
"For Better or Worse:
A Guide to a Happy Divorce. "
That's right.
- Book? Book? What book?!
- It's got excellent reviews.
When does he write books?!
Outside of New York's
biggest divorce trial
since Gary Harrison's last April,
the case of basketball legend
Adamo Shandela
and his wife Irene...
the trial which has two of the city's
top divorce pit bulls
Audrey Woods
and Daniel Rafferty
against each other once again.
Now the verdict
has just been handed down.
Wait a minute, I'm told
he's on his way out.
Adamo, how does it feel
to have the verdict go your way?
Well, I just feel lucky
to have the best lawyer
in New York on my side,
you know what I'm saying?
Ms. Woods, in a case that's had
to reveal so much indelicate information
about the petitioner's
private life,
you've really been commended
on your aboveboard tactics.
It's all about
doing your homework,
every aspect of the law,
burning the midnight oil...
you have to be prepared for anything.
You know, if it's one thing
that I've learned,
it's don't get caught in court
with your pants down.
Ah, that's good.
Objection, Your Honor. Counsel is,
as usual, making assumptions.
Overruled, Ms. Woods!
Opposing counsel is
clearly kidding herself
if she believes...
Irrelevant, Mr. Rafferty.
Full documentation here,
Your Honor.