Well, duty calls.
So you think you
can get the servants
to back up your claim?
Well, I guess we'll find out.
I guess we will.
Hello, there.
Welcome to Caisleán Clocha.
- Hello, I'm Audrey Woods.
- I'm Daniel Rafferty.
- I'm representing Mr. Jamison.
- I'm representing Mrs. Jamison.
I'm wondering would it be possible
to speak to the staff for a moment,
- just a little bit?
... Interview them for a while?
Ah, would you be the posh lawyers
over from America, then?
- Yes.
- That's grand.
- Well, they all agree with me so far.
- Me too.
Brendan, I'm going to need
to interview the staff again.
I'm not getting anywhere.
I'm afraid you'll be
out of luck there, sir, sure.
They'll all be down
at the festival.
It's the village's
It celebrates the couple who founded
the place nearly 200 years ago.
It's a lovely story.
They were deeply in love
but her father didn't approve,
so they ran away here
and got married in secret.
And every year we have
a festival in their honor.
It's very romantic.
- Singing and dancing.
- Aw, that's nice.
So basically,
the old fella didn't like
this Scottish knight
nailin' his daughter,
Et cetera, et cetera,
blah, blah, blah.
So it's basically, a lame excuse
for a three-day booze up.