The tunnel should be
1.5m wide by 2m high,
and about 23m long.
We'll light it
with Lumiflex lamps.
Fluorescents High 32,
easier on the generator.
It means 2500 cubic feet
of dirt to clear.
The manhole...
we go down is about 9 meters...
from the main sewer
where we dig our tunnel.
We have exactly 3 months.
After that, the bank is empty.
They're moving.
The money gets transferred
in 3 months.
In time, OK? All I can say is...
by August 15 we're out,
or in deep shit.
Excuse me?
I have a question for you.
And this?
At first glance...
it looks like a cop shop.
I figured that much.
I mean...
they're a bit in our way...
don't you think?
Listen squirt,
are you chicken?
You've got to be stupid
to take such risks.
The last place they check
is their own backyard.
Now I know why you guys did time.
If you're not happy,
get the fuck out!
Cool it, Talon,
just making conversation.
Any more questions?
Let's go!