Le Grand voyage

Whas on your mind?
- I wanted to ask you something.
- What?

Why didn't you fly to Mecca?
Is a lot simpler.
When the waters of the ocean
rise to the heavens,

they lose their bitterness
to become pure again.

The ocean waters evaporate
as they rise to the clouds.

And as they evaporate,
they become fresh.

Thas why is better
to go on your pilgrimage

on foot
than on horseback:

And better on horseback
than by car:

And better by car
than by boat:

And better by boat
than by plane.

When I was a child,
my father... God rest his soul...
set out on a mule.

I'll never forget
that day.

He was
a courageous man.

Every day,
I'd climb to
the top of a hill

from where I could
see the horizon.

I wanted to be the first
to see him come home.

I would stay up there
until nightfall.

Sometimes, I would even fall
asleep up there,

until your grandmother
came looking for me.
