Three kilometers on foot,
it's tough, it's tough
Three kilometers on foot,
it's tough on the shoes.
Sing from the beginning.
Four kilometers on foot,
it's tough, it's tough
Four kilometers on foot,
it's tough on the shoes.
Like I thought, Bass, right.
There's good tobacco in my snuffbox
There's good tobacco, but you won't get any.
Smoking is not allowed.
Alto, left
Love is like a Bohemian child,
It has never ever known any laws.
Tenor, of course. stand left.
I don't know any song .
Never mind, I'll teach you.
In the mean time, I nominate you
Choir assistant director.
Marshall, here we are!
Who taught you this song?
My grandfather.
A bit out of fashion. Go left.
Take arms, citizens. Form your battalions.
Prefects are the worst kind,
Smoking, drinking, never working.
Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo
Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo
Very well, alto