Show me, Corbin?
Sorry, this note does not exist. Come here
Mr. Pepinot, give me the music score.
Thank you very much.
Open your hands
Present them like this.
I nominate you music stand.
Mr. Pepinot, baton, thanks a lot.
Attention. Follow me.
There you have it!
One two three four
The headmaster eats stale bread.
Lerlec is not very smart
Every night, I make them practice a simple tune
I compose.
We are from Pond Bottom.
That is rather disconcerting
We are from Pond Bottom.
That is what is bothering us
We are from Pond Bottom.
That is rather disconcerting
We are from Pond Bottom.
That is what is bothering us.
Not bad.
It was rather basic, but I had their attention.
To move things along, I needed support
from my hierarchy.
A choir?
Poor Mathieu, you have gone off your rocker.
A choir? They will never sing a note,
or I am the king of...
Please sir. Do not tell me king of what.
Because they are already singing.
A little.
So why do you come ask me for an authorisation
since you've already gone ahead.