without reason, as it had begun.
There were many familiar faces in the crowd.
Apparently, the returnees...
include only those men and women
who died recently.
In the last 10 years, it seems.
If we refer to the death registers...
sixty-five percent of these people are
over 60...
twenty-five percent are aged
between 40 and 60...
All seem to be unharmed...
and in good health.
At the police chief's request...
we have requisitioned
the IocaI community center...
aIong with most
of the Codexa warehouses...
in order to provide faciIities.
It is vitaI to group aII returnees together...
in order to be abIe to identify them.
I don't think anyone wiII oppose
this decision...
which, in addition,
respects the UN guideIines.
We don't yet know...
how Iong we shaII maintain these faciIities.
We'II need three to six months.
That may be optimistic.
The census work alone
will take over a month.
The Red Cross will take care
of these people.
It will be backed up by the army
and the police.
The situation resembles
that of refugee assistance.
Basic commodities and clothing
will be distributed.
Dormitories have already been set up.
People will be grouped
according to their sex and age.