This joint effort is indispensabIe...
if we wish to faciIitate their return
into society.
You're not going to see her?
I've asked them to take her home.
It's easier.
We have many decisions to make.
But you don't have to stay, Isham.
I understand.
Thank you.
I won't make anyone stay.
-You're not coming?
Are you sure?
My dear friends...
we've worked together for some time...
and we've done a good job...
despite our occasionaI disagreements.
But today, Iike many of you...
I'm astounded.
Astounded and overwheImed
by these events.
The unthinkabIe has happened.
People who yesterday...
were considered dead have come back.
These people have rights...
like the rest of us.
A right to return to their families...
to their jobs.
In short, the right to resume their lives.