I'II start with a quick summary for Sector A.
I'II start with a quick summary for Sector A.
The fragiIe terrain is going to deIay
driIIing work sIightIy...
mainIy on this side.
We've come across tunneIs...
that, fortunateIy for us,
are of no archaeoIogicaI interest.
But we have to wait a few weeks
before resuming work.
Mathieu, where have you got to
on the third-stage foundations?
The third stage....
The pIans I've studied
foIIow our predictions.
Good. We have no reason to aIter--
ActuaIIy, I stiII have a few pIans to Iook at...
notabIy for the wiring
and the ventiIation ducts.
I hope to finish in a few weeks.
AII right.
Let's move on....
All the subjects display...
a lack of synchronism with reality...
at least in their oral expression.
For now, these phenomena continue...
but may well vanish within a few months.
This is frequently seen in cases
of post-traumatic aphasia.
Apparently, returning to work...
allows some of them
to make significant progress.
As a result, reassessing
the reintegration policy...
would be a serious mistake.
I think that covers everything.
We'II meet again next week.
Have a good weekend.