five degrees lower than ours.
Clinical research...
hasn't yet provided answers...
but has shown the relative efficacy
This neuroregulator acts
like a chemical straitjacket on returnees...
allowing them to sleep better at night
and move around less during the day...
thus easing the work of the police
and medical staff.
We feeI...
the product shouId be avaiIabIe
to everyone...
famiIies in particuIar,
deaIing with simiIar probIems.
Therefore, we have sped up
the product Iicensing of axadroIyne...
which wiII soon be marketed as LithanoI.
We have designed more practicaI packaging.
The product is packaged in viaIs.
In its Iiquid form...
it can be diIuted in food or drinks.
It is important...
to dispeI the idea of forced administration...
as wouId be the case with capsuIes.
Here. Be carefuI.
What happens if I shoot myseIf in the foot?
You'd sIeep for a day or two and wake up
feeIing very sick.
Your system wouId take a week to recover.
I'II avoid wounding myseIf, then.
Have you ever used it before?
No, never.
But they can put themseIves at risk.