You must be RacheI.
I'm a doctor at the center. We met there.
I see. HeIIo.
We taIked a Iot...
when he was at the center.
He toId me about this Iake.
He toId me a Iot about you.
I wonder what on earth he said.
Nothing unkind, don't worry. He needed...
to taIk about his Iife.
It heIped to bring memories back.
It's usuaIIy a good sign when they need...
to taIk about their past. It does them good.
I think I'II go for a swim.
What's wrong? You Iook worried.
He hasn't forgotten how to swim.
Like driving or dressing,
they remember aII that perfectIy.
I know that.
It wiII be fine.