If you make sweeps even
with shared credit, that's a huge deal.
I happen to know that the people
from Harpo, Oprah's group...
...TiVo every one of our shows.
For what it's worth, I really like
your "Little Black Book" idea.
-Yeah. So don't cry in my soup.
-So how does it all work exactly?
-You put your best shows in sweeps.
The most outrageous, the most
provocative attention-grabbers.
-Then they promo it.
-It's about getting eyeballs...
...to get numbers, to get revenue,
to get renewed.
We're beginning sweeps now,
so things are in the can.
-So, what was pitched today?
-June sluts.
Slots. Of which we average
nine a month.
"We" being the drones. The APs.
When an AP gets a slut-- Slot.
It's like a credit. You need
so many credits to advance.
-And you have the most?
-Catching on.
He's next. The only way to jump ahead
of him is if you land the live show.
-This month?
-A week from Friday.
-APs never get the live show.
-Karen Meskil.
-Urban legend.
Anyway, if you do,
you're instantly promoted.
-Hi, Barbara.
Hey, Kippie. Great show.
Let's not go there.
You must be Stacy.
Wow. I am so unbelievably
sorry about what happened.
Please. Let he who is without sin
cast the first stone.
Hello again.
-Yes, you are.
So sorry to hear about you and Neil.
I thought he was a keeper.
-Sorry. Excuse me.
-Who's Neil?
-My boyfriend.
Ex, actually.
"Hi, Barbara. How's Neil?
You must be Stacy."
What's missing here?
Oh, me!
You're right. I should get as many
shows on the air as possible. Be seen.
Noticed by somebody. Anybody.
Okay, so, what I'm about to do should
not be interpreted as groveling...
...hypocrisy, or desperation.
It's merely a loss of personal integrity.
Excuse me. Larry, wait up!