Little Black Book

-Wait. Where are you going?
-I gotta finish packing. Two minutes.

Did I tell you about Nieuwendyk's
cousin? MVP out of Detroit?

Guess who he's seeing
Friday morning. His request.

Yeah, you told me. It's amazing.
Honey, this fast-forward thing
isn't working.

-Oh, my God!

-Oh, it's the gas.
-Oh, God!

-Bob, get down. Come here, boy.
-Open a window. Honey....

Yeah, plus Robbie Moore,
out of Buffalo?

These guys are, like,
the top two recruits in the country.

And if I can nail them both....
No ifs. You will. I know it.
-Oh, what is the matter with that Bob?

-Want me to take him out?

-I can do it right now.

Jesus wept! Bob!
No more hot sauce, all right?
-Why are you feeding him hot sauce?
-I don't know.

-What are you watching?
-Oh, Kippie.

-I'm studying the format.
-Tell us how bulimia...

-...affected your relationships, Lulu.
-I lost them all.

My agent.
My friends. My boyfriends.


-The supermodel.
-I was so ashamed.

I knew it.
I knew she barfed.
-Oh, that documentary.
-No, I mean I heard her.

You heard Lulu Fritz barfing?
Yeah, couple times. Nasty.
You think I'm gonna need
a sweater in Detroit? In May?

You don't feel compelled
to explain further?

We dated. A little.
I told you that, didn't l?

Let me think. No.
Thought I did. Are you gonna be
cool staying here by yourself?

-You'll walk Bob?

Don't let him walk you.
Who's the boss?

-Tell him that.

-I'm the boss, Bob.
-You hear that, Bob?

-You never mentioned her.

Because we don't sit around
talking about past relationships.
