Little Black Book

Would you take a look at that cervix,
Nurse Kisilevsky?

Textbook. I'm not the first person
who's told you that, I'm sure.

Can't hear it enough.
It was all too horrible.
I had to avert my eyes.

Which made me focus
on a sight more horrific.

Midst what seemed like an unusual
amount of Dr. Keyes' beauty shots...

...stood a picture that jumped out.
Big. Dr. Rachel Keyes and Bob?

Stinky Bob! Why would she have a
picture with him unless he was hers?

Worse, theirs.
I needed to take control. Fast!

Dr. Keyes,
I work with the Kippie Kann show.

You would never be interested
in being on television would you?

Call me Rachel.
I started the vitamin company about a
year and a half ago. It's just taken off.

-Oh? And look. Your picture's on it.
-I fought them on that.

Sure you did. So tell me, Rachel.
What did you have to sacrifice
to get here?

Relationships? Family? Pets?
I never wanted to settle
in order to settle down.

-You know what I'm talking about.
-Oh, yeah. Back to pets.

I noticed a picture of a dog
in the examination room.

-So happy-looking.

He's my ex's dog, but I raised him.
-He was such a cuddler.
-Your ex?

The dog. I could've lobbied
to keep him when we split.

But med school by day,
the book by night.

-You wrote a book?
-Here we go. Second printing.

Take one. I'll just bill you for it.
It's a play on words.

"Keyes to Your Vagina."
Clever. Oh, and there's
that picture again.

-So anyways, Bob, is it?
-Yeah, he's with Derek. My ex.

But I have visitation rights.
-Oh, really?

The photograph in the exam room
was taken a few weeks ago at a picnic.

A picnic? A few weeks ago?
He went on a picnic
with this self-obsessed prodigy?

-My head was spinning.
-Anyway, Barb. Good news.

Your warts have cleared up.
