Little Black Book

Okay. Then you find out he cheated.
That he had this whole other life.

Now, does that detract
from what you two had together?

-Does it make it all a lie?

-Because omissions are betrayals.

-Omissions are....
-Betrayals. They are betrayals.

-ls that your cell?
-Mine whistles.

Hey, there. It's Joyce Moore.
Do the deed after the beep.

What? The computer called Joyce?
-What did you do?
-Nothing! I was standing over here.

Hey, you got Derek's machine. You
know what to do and when to do it.

Derek, you there? It's Joyce.
My caller ID said you just phoned.

Why did you hang up? I've been
waiting for you to call since last week.

-Okay. Give me a holler.

If I'm not home, try my cell. By the way,
everyone loved your joke. Bye.

His joke?
What joke?
Derek doesn't joke.
Nobody thinks he's funny.

He's not funny.
What does this mean?

I think it means she's not history.
Is it always like this here?
Hey, you got Derek's machine. You
know what to do and when to do it.

It's Derek. He's checking the
messages. He's going to hear Joyce.

-Erase it! Smash it! Do something!
-How? What am I going to do?

Kill it.
Okay. Okay!

-Good! There!

I've just smashed an answering
machine with a hockey stick.

Damn proud of you!
There were numbers on that machine
that he needed, and l....

I've just smashed it.
I smashed the hell out of it.

God's punishing me.
I hear you, God. You can stop now.
