Little Black Book

So I work next Wednesday.
Why don't you come by for dinner?

I will wow you
with my chicken paillard.

How could I refuse?
She had an ease, an openness...

...and the answers.
She had the answers.

Kippie! Watch it, here! Watch it!
-Cut it! Phil, cut it!
-Cut it. Reset.

Oh, God, she's coming up.
She's coming up.

-Count to 1 0.

-Take it easy.

She's coming!
-Seven, eight, nine....

What? You were fantastic.
-That was very emotional. Phil?
-Yeah. I teared up.

Trust me. No one does midgets
like Kippie. Like you.

But everyone does them!
Don't you get it?

-I want something fresh, original--
-lt was his idea.

-Now she remembers my name.

Get the midgets out of here.
Here comes the numbers speech.
Can you be midget-wrangler today?
My numbers go up,
your numbers go up.

My success is your success.
Jerry Maguire.
Help Kippie help you!
That was very moving. I think
we should all take a moment to--

-Places! Miserable midgets.
-Moment's up!

-Places! Stand by, intro.
-We're back in one.

-We are just about ready.
-Phil, we're reset.

Okay, stand by, Kippie.
"Kippie's Kute Kouplings Kontinues."
Bob, I want you to move in
really tight.

Tighter, tighter, tighter,
till I tell you to stop.

Yeah. Right there.
We have a collection of cute couples
to clear things up. I can't believe this.

What are you so worried about?
Do you think my idea is good?
