Little Black Book

Since we are live, I'm expecting
everybody to pitch in, right?

Right. Now that's a wrap.
Too bad, lra.
Sorry, lra. Maybe next sweeps?
Naive, but sweet.
You wanna go to dinner?
Can't. I'm on the committee
for the Kippie Kann Kan Drive...

...Kippie Kares for Kids Koalition.
Catch you later.

-ls he okay?
-He's trying to be.

How about you? Urban legend.
-You said APs never get the live show.
-What do I know?

Come with me.
I've got a surprise for you.

Carl, here she is.
Stacy, Kippie liked your idea too.
For the tri-state cook-off!
So if you could ask--

-What's her name?

-lf we could have it at the--
-Kaleidoscope Kitchen.

Oh, love the K's.
And Kippie loves cook-offs...

:57:11 you get those pre-interviews in.
Barb, you co-pilot.


-Was he saying--? Are you saying--?

My first show!
I mean, it's not a done deal
or anything, but--

At least I'll have something
legitimate to offer Joyce.

This is perfect. It's perfect!
Thank you.

-I'm sorry.
-That's okay. It's fine. I'm smiling.

Now Joyce could bake her cake,
and the audience could eat it too.

Get that out to table four.
Make sure they still have wine.

Which somehow made me feel a little
less like the lying scumbag that I was.

And voilĂ !
-And this is for dessert.

What did you do?
