So you think the raft's gonna work?
Of course. Look at that thing.
It's not a raft.
They built a sodding boat.
When they get picked up,
the helicopters will come,
making us ridiculously
and eternally famous.
What's the matter?
Don't you want to be famous?
...what I think. But the fact is...
What do you think's
going on over there?
Sure. You can absolutely wait
a few weeks before you launch.
I was just assuming you
didn't want to die.
So, uh, when's the next time
we can launch?
- Three... maybe four months.
- Come on!
Even a weatherman on TV
don't know what's gonna happen.
Why are we listening to Arzt?
Because I'm a doctor
and you're a hillbilly.
You're a damn
high school science teacher.
Hey, Sawyer,
let's just let the man talk.
It's been raining every afternoon.
That means that we are on
the cusp of monsoon season.
Monsoon season is bad. Now,
the trade winds are
blowing north right now.
Shipping lanes are north.
So north is exactly
where you want to be.
What's that mean?
It means, when the
monsoon season hits,
the trade winds
are gonna shift to the south.
The raft goes with the wind.
Can anyone tell me what is the only
piece of land that's south of us?
That's right, Jack. Antarctica.
So when do we have to leave?
So obviously you believe him.
Arzt? I don't know.
But I'm not taking any chances.
You think you'll be ready
by tomorrow?
Man said not a day to waste.