This is good.
I'm writing again.
I'm really feeling it, as well.
So, what's the first thing
you're gonna do
when we get rescued?
You know, I don't really know.
You can hang out with me in LA.
You and Turnip Head.
You know,
until you figure things out.
- Thanks.
- Smashing.
Okay. Check this out.
This is track two. It's called...
It's called Monster Eats The Pilot.
How's Michael?
He's gonna be fine.
Is somebody gonna be taking
his place on the raft?
I don't know.
- Dr. Arzt said if they don't leave...
- Did you poison Michael, Kate?
- What?
- He's not sick. Someone did this.
Do you really think
I'm capable of that?
I don't know what
you're capable of.
You brought beer?
No self-respecting man in lowa
goes anywhere without beer.
It's not fair, you know,
you coming back.
Here. Home.