
A lumberjack.
'Scuse me?
I never asked what you did
back in the real world.

So I'm taking a wild guess.

Something I can help you with, doc?
'Cause I got work to do.

I got something for you.
You're the only one on the raft
who knows how to use one.

- What do I need a gun for?
- Just in case.

You think we're gonna
run outta food and water?

I put the kid out of his misery?
Just in case.
What're you doing with the rest?
Giving 'em to Sayid.
Going into the jungle
after the boomsticks, huh?

Time you get back,
we'll be in the water.

Guess this is pretty much
goodbye then.

Yeah, I guess it is.
Good luck, Sawyer.
About a week before
we all got on the plane,

I got to talking to this man
in a bar in Sydney.

He was an American too.
A doctor.

I've been on some benders
in my time,

but this guy was going
for an all-time record.

So it turns out
this guy has a son.

Son's a doctor too.
They'd had some kinda
big-time falling out.

The guy knew it was his fault...
even though his son

was back in the States
thinking the same damn thing.
