No. No, we're opening the hatch
so that we can survive.
Survival is all relative, Jack.
I don't believe in destiny.
Yes, you do.
You just don't know it yet.
- I turned it on a little while ago.
- Sayid said every hour.
Look, we're 15 miles out.
We could be here for weeks.
- If that battery runs out...
- The man said every hour.
- Nothing.
- Five minutes. No more.
Aye, aye.
Know what I like about you, Mike?
You got the patience of a saint.
Yeah? Why you say that?
I've seen the way he talks to you.
The way he runs around,
does whatever the hell he wants.
I'd have shown him
the back of my hand a long time ago.
- You would, huh?
- Hell of a lot cheaper than a shrink.
Is that what your father did to you?
Show you the back of his hand?
My daddy never got
a chance to beat me.
Shot himself when I was eight.
That why you wanna die?
Since you told me you wanted
on this raft, I couldn't figure it out.
Why's a guy who
only cares about himself
wanna risk his life
to save everyone else?
Way I see it,
there's only two choices.