All right.
That's it.
OK. Easy. Easy.
- What happened?
- There was an accident.
Boone fell off a cliff out near
the place where we were hunting.
OK, I'm gonna need some water.
Shirts, towels. Anything that I can use
to staunch the bleeding.
Kate, now!
John, tell me exactly what happened.
I think what you did
was so kind.
- Where's my father?
- Who?
We had the transplant together.
I didn't know
he was your father.
We don't have
the same last name.
- Where is he?
- Mr. Cooper checked out this afternoon.
He went back home.
He's under private care.
That doesn't make any...
- Did he leave me a message?
- No, not that I know of.
You just relax, Mr. Locke.
I'm gonna get you some juice.
It was his idea.