
- Sun, I need...
- Yes, I understand.

Grab me that seat
from up there.

I need that mesh.
We need to create some sterile...

- I swear to God, if you faint...
- No. First class, mesh. I'm cool.

- Lord.
- Get to the beach.

Ransack Sawyer's stuff.
I want his alcohol.

Rubbing, scotch...
Jack, what's going on?
His lung just collapsed.
Good, Boone.
Good, Boone.
That's good. Good job.

All right. I'm gonna put a tube in that,
and you're gonna be just fine.

What are you still doing here?
Alcohol. You want him to live?
Get to the beach! Now!

Damn it.
Just get the clip-on.

You know why they call it a tie?
'Cause you gotta tie it.

Know why they call it a clip-on?
You clip it on.

- You nervous?
- What do I have to be nervous about?

- It's a big responsibility.
- I can handle responsibility.

You don't like to get up
in front of crowds.

I'll be fine.
After eight beers,
I'll be fine.

- She'll bust you, man.
- I'll brush my teeth.

She'll bust you.
You can still back out, Marc.
No, it's just a stupid speech.
I'll make you proud.
OK, groom's turn.
You can still back out, Jack.
